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Pramiracetam Product Description

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What are the Nootropic effects of Pramiracetam?

This supplement is known for having multiple effects that improve the brain. It’s useful for general cognition, for increasing memory capabilities, and for helping to make it easier for people to learn[1].

All three of these properties can vastly improve many aspects of a person’s day to day living. General cognition improvements would literally affect every thought you think, making you sharper and better able to concentrate. A better memory will let you have an increased capacity for calling on the skills and knowledge you need to do your job.

Also, learning is easily one of the most useful and important qualities a person has. The more you can learn, the more power you can have over any particular aspect of your life. You can become better at exercising, at making money, in your relationships, and even at learning itself, forming a positive feedback loop.

Properties of Pramiracetam

Pramiracetam is closely related to another similar supplement known as Piracetam.

Pramiracetam has a higher potency than Piracetam, so it’s important to use it in lower doses than with Piracetam[1].

It can be useful to upgrade to Pramiracetam since it allows you to take less powder for a more potent effect. It’s also been known to help some people feel better overall than the Piracetam.

Some researchers also think that the supplement increases the connections across the Corpus Callosum[i]. This is the pathway that connects the two hemispheres of the brain together. Increasing communication between them with supplements can have a positive effect on creativity and concentration.  This is because you get increased interaction between both the rational and creative sides of your brain.


The exact reasons as to why Pramiracetam can aid in general cognition and general well-being are still not well known and require additional study. There are many theories regarding how this could be the case, however. It may be that they function as antioxidants, for example[1].

But generally, the effects of the supplement are known fairly extensively even if the causes have not yet been discovered. The benefits of using the supplement include the following:

-Improves Mood

Since depression affects so many people worldwide, all supplements that help fight the condition are of increasing usefulness. Depression makes everything in your day harder to do and less enjoyable to live through.

There are many cures for depression but the best is a supplement that helps counteract depressed feelings with a sunny disposition in a way that generally has no serious side effects. This is because a lot of other nootropics have serious negative effects in terms of sexual ability, weight gain, mood swings, and so on.

-Virtually No Side Effects

As a nootropic, Pramiracetam is known for not having any real downside to using. In fact, it’s been shown in the lab that humans can take dosages of up to 1200mg every day for an entire year without any real negative side effects at all[2].


It’s recommended to take doses of about 500 mg a couple of times every day[1]. It’s also a good idea to add something with choline in it in order to augment the supplement and allow it to produce a more positive effect. Taking supplements on a regular basis is also recommended in order to get a full feeling for just how much they affect you as an individual, and to build up the effect in your system.


  1. 1. Malykh, AG, and MR Sadaie. "Piracetam And Piracetam-Like Drugs: From Basic Science To Novel Clinical Applications To CNS Disorders." Drugs 70.3 (2010): 287-312. CINAHL with Full Text. Web. 3 Sept. 2012
  2. 2. Wilson, John. “Cure Dementia with Pramiracetam.” http://www.articlesbase.com/medicine-articles/cure-dementia-with-pramiracetam-5386650.html